Monday, 31 August 2015

Rugby World Cup 2015 is coming to J12 - Watch this space!! Starting 19th September

Sunday, 3 May 2015

What is technology?

What is technology? this is what we are discussing in class this term. Technology isn't just laptops, camera's, ipads etc. Technology is all around us and provides us with a use. What simple things can you find around your home that provides a use, was made and designed? who is it's target market?....... puzzling isn't it? so much technology..... So is the rock or the chair technology? come and tell me what you think in class...

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Our Cards to Vanuatu

"Hey Miss Bright - Lets write a letter to Vanuatu?"...... So we did

 We first of all wrote our own letters in our draft books.

Then we gathered together as table groups to create one big card.

We worked together to create one letter using all of our ideas.

We then made 4 cards to send to Vanuatu from the students of J12. We felt very lucky to be at school today as we know that some children in Vanuatu can't go to school today because of Cyclone Pam.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

The Traveling Teddy!

Teddy will  be off on his adventures this weekend with one of the lucky students from J12. In this book the students will write all the fun things they do with Teddy and then share it on Monday morning. I wonder who will be taking Teddy home first? 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

We got Mail!!!

Our postman for the week getting our mail - our kiwi kids newspaper comes every Friday with the latest news from around the world!! Today we learnt about Dr Seuss's new book and Chinese new year